Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Summer Reading

View from my reading spot in the sand (my paperback possibly disintegrated a little bit, but so worth it!)

Hello all! I'm back from a little holiday with the family - more on that later. I read David Mitchell's Cloud Atlas at the beach. It took a few false starts for me to really get into it - something about the language used in the first chapter of the book was just not clicking with me at first - but I'm really glad I summoned my powers of concentration, because I thoroughly enjoyed the rest of the book! I particularly love the shifts in narrative and the connections that come to light. Overall, the style kind of reminded me of books by Haruki Murakami and Kazuo Ishiguro. Apparently Mitchell has a connection with Japan too - I wonder if that's what is infiltrating the style. Have you read Cloud Atlas? Or seen the film? What did you think?

I left The Hundred-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out of the Window and Disappeared for my sister and mom to share. Also a good read (and a bit lighter than Cloud Atlas) if you're looking for one.

I also finally finished Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy over the weekend. I'm ready for a lighter read now. Any recommendations?

New GF cookie recipe to appear soon, please check back tomorrow!

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